Posted by: Terri Lynn | September 22, 2023

Carrying On!

~ Friday Morning Thoughts ~

As I write this blog entry I am cognizant of the 157 people from around the world that follow me here. And while there are days I want to throw a hissy fit, about something, I do try to remember y’all and try to rein in my personal feelings. But I am human, and have struggles like everyone else.

Upon completion of the Daily Dozen later today, it will mark the first month this year that I’ve completed 12/12 for 11 days in any month in 2023. I’m hoping some unseen habit is forming as a result of the persistence I’m endeavoring to accomplish by actually completing all 12 of the Daily Dozen items.

80% Diet, 20% Exercise – this was a graphic I saw on Instagram in the past day. Sadly, eating is one of the small joys in my life. And I already put a decent amount of effort into controlling what and how much I eat. The only thing I know I can really do better in not hitting the refrigerator for a snack at 2am after using the restroom. So I guess I’m going to increase my steps/exercise to offset the broccoli/carrots with Ranch at 2am.

Strategically Placed Motivation – Would it seem weird to have pictures around the house to motivate me, to encourage me, of women who I’d like to become?

Today is the 10th – yes, the 10th day in a row writing in the blog. I was notified yesterday that yesterday’s post was the 9th day in a row. A small achievement I guess. But also writing here takes me away from finishing the stories I’ve started, and starting the ones running through my mind.

So as the clock shows it is nearing noon, it’s time to get showered and to carry this day to a successful completion.

Edit: Here is is!

September 22, 2023


  1. Congratulations on your dedication to writing for 10 days straight! Keep up the great work, and I look forward to reading more from you!

  2. Thank you Terri! Yes, i’m taking it one day at a time and trying to stay consistent with posting and bring value to my readers! I really appreciate the support! 🙏🏽

  3. Thank you! Inch by Inch.

  4. Keep up the great work! 🎉

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